The Magnificent Qur'an Parrt 01

“Qur’an is word of Allah delivered to us by the Messenger Muhammad PBUH” 

 It is a book where all essential ingredients of life can be found.

                       The Magnificent Quran Part 02

Special Article: Still think Muhammad(pbuh) Wrote Quran?


Quran is the final book revealed to him from Allah by the Arch Angel Gabriel (Referred as Holy Spirit in Quran). Contrary to popular belief it was revealed throughout many years as each verse revealed on some situation.Each Messanger was bestowed a miracle according to the times lived in in, as Musa was given bright hand and his stick, to baffle the magicians of the world, as he lived in a time  of magic. Prophet Muhammad PBUH was given Quran which is a word of knowledge and beautifully written & grammatically so perfect that it baffled the Arabs who had command in the Arabic lingustic, grammar & poetry. Today it is baffling scientist as they find each discovery regarding universe made today is already mentioned in Quran. (And for Mystery lovers, there are Many Mystery words in Quran who secrets and there secrets are not reveled to any.  

Qur’an explains what it is:

 “This is the book, in it is guidance for sure without doubt, to those who fear Allah”. (2:2)
“Qur’an was a guidance for mankind and clear evidence of guidance and discrimination (between wrong)”. (2:185)

“And We sent down the book to you for the express purpose that you should make clear to them those things in which they differ, and so that it should be a guide and mercy to those who believe”. (16:64).

“They are invited to the book of Allah to settle their dispute”. (3:23)

“These are the verses of the book that make things clear”. (26:2). (I am using Qur’an to introduce Qur’an what a beautiful way. So precise & so clear. None can explain Quran better than Qur’an itself)

“... A book which We have sent down unto you with full of blessings so that they may meditate on its signs and that man of understanding may receive admonition”. (38:29).

“Verily We have revealed the book to you in truth for instructing mankind. He that receives guidance benefits his own soul, but he that strays injures his own soul”. (39:41).

“And this is a book which We have revealed as a blessing, so follow it and be righteous, that you may receive mercy”. (6:155).

“A book revealed unto you, so that your heart be not in any difficulty on that account, (so that) with it you may warn (the sinful) and teach the believers”. (7:2).

“This Qur’an is not such as can be produced by other than Allah, on the contrary it is a confirmation of (revelations) that were sent before it, and a full explanation of the book, wherein there is not doubt from the Lord of the worlds”. (10:37)

“And We sent down the book to you for the express purpose that you should make clear to them those things in which they differ, and so that it should be a guide and mercy to those who believe”. (16:64).

And indeed We have given every kind of example in this Qur'an for mankind(all humans). But, man is ever more quarrelsome than anything”
“Lo! this Qur’an guides to that which is most upright”. (17:9)

“This is a declaration for humankind, a guidance and admonition to those who ward off (evil)”. (3:138)

“God is the Protector of the believers; He brings them forth from the darkness into the light. And the unbelievers --their protectors are taghut, that bring them forth from the light into the darkness ...” (2:257

“And when they hear what has been sent down to the Messenger, you see their eyes overflow with tears, because of the truth they recognize. They say, "Our Lord we believe; so do You write us down among the witnesses." (5:83)

What is Qur’an according the messenger Muhammad PBUH

                                                          Quran in English Online mp3 
  •  and it is the guide that guides to the best path
  • and it is a book in which there is explanation, particularization and recapitulation;
  • and it is a decisive (word), and not a joke;
  •  its exterior is elegant and its interior deep;
  •  it has (many) boundaries, and its boundaries have (many) boundaries;
  •  its wonders shall not cease, and its (unexpected) marvels shall not be old
  • There are in it the lamps of guidance and the beacon of wisdom, and guide to knowledge for him who knows the attributes.
  • Therefore, one should extend his sight; and should let his eyes reach the attribute; so that one who is in perdition may get deliverance, and one who is entangled may get free;
  •  because meditation is the life of the heart of the one who sees, as the one having a light (easily) walks in darkness; therefore, you must seek good deliverance and (that) with little waiting”.
  • In it is the information about those who were before you and what will come after you, and it will be the judge among you.
  • It is the final decision and not a jest. (86:13-14)
  • It is the firm rope of God
  • Scholars will never have their full of it; it will not wear out from constant use, nor will its wonders be exhausted.

 Quran according to notable Non Muslims:

 “I don’t find any difficulty in accepting Quran as a true word of God because the explanation of the growth of the feats in the WOMB of his mother which Quran gives 14 hundred years ago, is typically what the science knew recently” Yoshido Kozan (Chief of Tokyo Planetarium)

“Whenever I read the Quran I feel something is shaken my spirit” Goethe

 “Quran is authentic and no modification or changing occurred to this book, and whenever you listen to the to this book, and whenever you listen to the Quran, it makes you shiver and when you study the laws which come in this Quran you will respect it more & more.” Ernest Renan

“After I have read the Quran, I realized that all what humanity needs is this heavenly laws” Leo Tolstoy

“The legislation of Quran will spread all over the world, because it agrees with the mind, logic and wisdom” Leo Tolstoy

 "The Quran contains clear realities and tenets and human beings can utilize it generally." Leo Tolstoy

 “There is no book in history that is complete with its entire letters without any modifications but Quran” Michael Hart

“I bear witness Quran is an inspires book from God” Jaims Jenz (The astronomical scientist says)
 “No doubt Quran is truly from almighty God and that Muhammad is truly a messenger from God” Professor Irene Berg

“I am very much impressed by finding true astronomical facts in Quran” Yoshido Kozan (Chief of Tokyo Planetarium)

 “It is impossible [Muhammad] could have known about the common origin of the universe, scientist only found this out in the last few years using complicated and advanced technology” Prof. Alfred Kroner 1

“If a person who don’t believe in God had to choose between Quran
and other bibles he will choose Quran, for it agrees with Albert Einstein. The Quran id not a mathematic book, it’s a book which contains laws of guidance of mankind to the right path, to the guidance which the philosophical theories couldn’t bring it” Voltaire (A French philosopher & writer)

"Religious treatments in Quran contain worldly treatment too and all of its affairs are sent from Allah by revelation. The Quran contains rules such as: good manners, healthiness, marriage, divorce, treatments with children and animals and slaves, commercials, politics, unlawful profit, debt, contracts, recommendations, industrial affairs, wealth, immurements and punishments and war and peace. The Quran creates simple beliefs in simple souls, which are free from bad traditions and worship of idols. The Quran has established principles of union discipline and social unity between Muslims." Will Durant 

"The Quran takes the responsibility of man prosperity alone.
I hope it will not be too late that time which I can unite all the scholars of all the countries together and establish a monotone society based on principles of The Quran only which will guide people to prosperity." Napoleon Bonaparte 

"By learning The Quran, every body will achieve revelation secrets and religion knowledge. In The Quran we don't see anything which allows using obligation to change others religion. This sacred book says in the simplest way: 'there is no obligation in religion." 

Bernard Shaw  foretells that Europe will accept religion and book of Muhammad (S.A.W.).

"The Quran contains all divine messages, which exist in all sacred books for all nations. There are verses in The Quran that relates to learning science and thinking and discussing and training and I confess that this firm book has corrected many of the man mistakes."  DR. Marks 

"Bible is a book which no one knows in America but The Quran is a book which every Muslim knows and it is not a lie. But it should be mentioned that being unaware of bible is a good luck for religion."  Charles Francis 

"If Muhammad thought was superstitious and The Quran was not revelation, he never dared to invite man to science. No thought and no person have invited human beings to science as Muhammad did. As we see that it has talked about science 950 times." 
P.H Corbin 

Listen to it Yourself
                                  English Quran Online mp3 

Read to it Yourself
A few verses of Quran/A Glimpse of Quran:

Scientific Facts Already Mentioned Qur'an:

 “It is impossible that Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) authored the Qur’an. How could a an, from being illiterate, become the most important author, in terms of literary merits, in the whole of Arabic literature? How could than he pronounce truths of a scientific nature that no other human being could possibly have developed at the time, and all this without making the slightest error in his pronouncement on the subject?”  Dr. Maurice Bucaille

It is a historically accurate fact that Muhammad PBUH was 'Umi'(means a person who is not educated and does not know how to read or write). Thus He  PBUH could not know all these scientific facts and the other historical facts. 

"For long years, priests prevented us understanding The Quran realities and greatness of its bringer, but by improvement of sciences this book will take human attention to it and become axis of thoughts." Dr. Johan Wolfgang Von Goethe 

Big Bang Theory in Quran:

Expansion of Universe

Geosciences in Quran:

The seven layers of earth

Earth Does Rotate

"When you look at the mountains, you think that they are standing still. But they are moving like clouds. Such is the artistry of God, who disposes of all things in perfect order. He is indeed fully aware of what you do." [Quran, 27:88]

Ecology in Quran:

Oenology in Quran:

Deep Sea Darkness & Under sea waves 

Biology, Zoology & Botany:

Embryo of pregnant women

“Verily, in cattle there is a lesson for yon. I give you drink from their insides, coming from a conjunction between the digested contents (of the intestines) and the blood, milk pure and pleasant for those who drink it.” (Qur’an 16:66)


"He it is who made the sun a shining brightness and the moon a light, and ordained for it mansions that you might know the computation of years and the reckoning. Allah did not create it but with truth; He makes the signs manifest for a people who know" [Quran, 10:5]

Orbit in Quran
"The sun and moon follow courses exactly computed." [Quran, 55:5]
"It is He Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. They swim along, each in an orbit" [Quran, 21:33]
"And the sun runs to its resting place. That is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knowing." [Quran, 36:38]
"By the sky full of the paths and orbits" [Quran, 51:7]

Ozone Layer:
Protects us ultraviolet light, radiation

"We made the sky a preserved and protected roof yet still they turn away from Our Signs"
[Quran, 21:32]

The Darkness of the Universe

The shape of earth is spherical

He made the earth egg-shaped" [Quran, 79:30]

The Arabic word for egg here is 'Dahaha' which means an ostrich-egg. The shape of an ostrich-egg resembles the geo spherical shape of the earth.

Preserved body of Firon

The body was discovered 1898


Mathematics [will update further in future 'In Sha Allah']
A Mathematician who challenged the Qur'an

Quran Encourages Education
It is interesting that Islam so strongly urges mankind to study and explore the universe. For example, the Noble Quran states: 

We (Allah) will show you (mankind) Our signs/patterns in the horizons/universe and in yourselves until you are convinced that the revelation is the truth.” [Quran 41: 53]

(halal & Haram) [will update later  In Sha Allah]

Ethical Values in Quran

Prophecies in Quran
                                           Quran in English Online mp3 

"Their skins will bear witness against them as to what they have been doing" (41:21)
The finger prints system at borders, criminal investigation cells and immigration centres prove the fulfillment of this Quranic prophecy.

"Corruption has spread on land and sea because of what men�s hands have wrought" (30:42)
One of the interpretations of the above verse of the Holy Quran is the environmental pollution, caused by human being. And that is spread both in land and sea due to our own inventions, i.e., fumes from chimneys of factories, chemical and nuclear waste, huge traffic in the cities, noise and creation of ozone hole are manifest testimonies of the fulfillment of this prophecy.

And after him We said to the Children of Israel, 'Dwell Ye in the promised land; and when the time of the promise of the Latter Days come, We shall bring you together out of various people." (17:105)
Creation of Israel and gathering of Sephardic, Ashkenazi and the Jews of many other different races in Israel proves the authenticity of this prophecy and hence Quran.

"They will alter Allah's creation." (4:120)
The holy Quran has prophesied the plastic surgery, genetic engineering and cloning in this short and concise sentence.

"And when the mountains are made to move." (81:4)
Centuries before the invention of dynamite, the holy Quran prophesied the blowing up and moving of the mountains.

"And when the she-camels, ten months pregnant are abandoned." (81:5)

"And He has created horses and mules and asses that you may ride them, and as a source of beauty. And He will create what you do not yet know." (16:9)

As we know people, specially those living in deserts, have now abandoned camels and other animals for travelling. But this prophecy of invention and emergence of new transport systems is on-going as we witness new and faster modes of transportation emerging all the time.

"And when the female-infant buried alive is questioned about � For what crime was she killed." (81-9,10)

Modern-day women rights and liberation associations may be brain-child of freedom-loving and egalitarian humanist / feminist people but foretold by Quran centuries ago.

"And when books are spread abroad." (81:11)
The invention of printing press and publication houses and consequently spread of books every where is one of the marvellous prophecies of the Quran made in the dark ages of ignorance and illiteracy.

“The Romans have been defeated in a land nearby. But in the future they will triumph over their enemies, within a period of few years. All affairs, both earlier and later, are in the hands of God. And on the day when the Romans triumph, the believers and the followers of Islam will rejoice. God assists to whomsoever He wills, and He is Powerful and Compassionate. This is the promise of God, a promise which can not be violated, but most of the people know not”. (30:1-6).
Within less than 10 years, this Prophecy of the Qur’an was fulfilled in the year 624 A.D. corresponding to year 2 A.H. How can we explain the confident and categorical prediction of the victory of a defeated people over a victorious people, in the absence of any factors pointing to the likelihood of such an event? A realistic approach to the state of society and the course of events would definitely have contradicted this prophesy. The Prophet of Islam foretold a definite military victory at a certain point in the future. How did he know it was going to occur?                 

“That which God inspired in his prophet by means of a dream is true and veracious: Without any doubt you will enter the sacred mosque (in Mecca) in safety and security. You will shave your heads and shorten your hairs without any fear or anxiety. God knows what you do not know. And you will win a victory near at hand”. (48:27)

These predictions were made at a time when no military expert or adviser could have predicted the occurrence, given the difficult circumstances of the Muslims and the unfavorable situation in which they found themselves.
In the same verse (48:27), the Qur’an also mentions the future occurrence of another historical event, namely the triumph of the Muslim warriors at Khaybar, and their conquest of its formidable fortresses. Hard blows had been inflicted upon the Muslims from Khaybar, but in the end the army of Islam triumphed over the Jews, and the predictions of the Qur’an was completely fulfilled. Can we ascribe this precise knowledge of the future to the knowledge and speculation of the Prophet?

"It never happens that permissiveness overwhelms a people to the extent that they display their acts of sex shamelessly and they are not uniquely punished by God. Among them, invariably, pestilence is made to spread and such other diseases, the like of which have never been witnessed by their forefathers."

Unique disease never heard or known by earlier people, AIDS! The medical scientists are unanimous that this disease is never recorded in the annals of history.You need at least a doctor of medicine and an expert of social behaviour at the same time to talk about such behaviours and their fatal consequence. Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was neither of them, but a Prophet of God.

Quran's is a Message For All Mankind from their Creator

for christians & Jews Allah says in Quran

Quran invites the mankind to come read it think over it!

If you think its not from your Creator Allah/God & if you think it is written by a man than accept the Challenge of Quran. And its been thousands of years and none has succeeded and recent man who accepted the challenge his story is as following

A Mathematician who challenged the Qur'an

This page only cover a gist of Magnificent Qur'an, if you want to know more Go to the only Authentic Source, which is The Quran itself, it's available in every language even online audio & video versions are available. Read it or Hear it

In Conclusion:

                                                                    Quran in English Online mp3

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